There Is Something In the Err…

Trying my best to find the mistakes.

24 hour media diet 03/21/2024

7:30am I wake up and check my emails Before i shower because i hate seeing the numbers next the little envelope on my screen. Almost all of the emials are just offers for something i don’t want. On the road to work i listen to “made for me” playlist from apple music.

10:45am i get a breather at work and decide to look up the Shohei ohtani scandal at espn that happened earlier in the morning that my friends have been texting me all day. The story feels really incomplete. I get the impression they ran it to be first to report and they will flesh it out later. The story felt too vague and there were no real concrete details listed. The article didn’t give any clear indication that there was any wrong doing, just someone getting caught in the act.

12:30pm i’m at lunch and i decide to look through apple news while i eat. The trending stories feel very targeted. I have been talking about owning a home recently so there is a very spooky report from cnn warning me about “the worst thing ever”. The headline is obviously an attention grabber and it worked on me. it turns out to be a soft sob story about realtors not getting commission anymore. I clicked on it and felt stupid for reading it. I honestly thought it was news that was going to make purchasing a home harder. it also feels like i can never escape trump news. it always around somehow.

3:30pm i get another breather at work and decide to open youtube to catch up on channels i follow. i play video games so i notice that one of the people i follow, paul tassi, has posted many videos in regards to a controversy affecting the studio that produces my favorite game, destiny 2. he addresses reports about a change in direction for the studio. I like Paul’s headline because they aren’t misleading or exaggerated and when he talks he seems genuine.

4:40pm almost done with work and jump back into youtube because i get an email announcing one of my favorite bands, Travis, has a new album coming out and that i should check out the new video, i follow orders. I am treated to a very awesome album cover in the email.

5:15pm I give my brother a call on the drive home and we talk aboutn going to a hockey game on saturday and about his potential birthday plans.

6:30pm I listen to another “made for me” playlist from apple music while i cook dinner. i like this playlist better than the morning one.

7:30pm after dinner i decide to catch up on one of my shows. i’m so behind on many of them that i cant decide and take 15 minutes to finally choose to watch shogun. I have the no ads subscription so i don’t get any commercials. I got tired of seeing weight loss, skin condition, diabetes medication commercials so I upgraded late last year. It really did feel like pharma companies are the only ones who purchase ad time on streaming services. i have to work on homework once the show ends.

8:30pm-11:00pm this is all homework time. reading articles. typing on my laptop. occasionally i’ll respond to a text from a friend. i get a meme that made me laugh too hard. i call it a night and head to bed.

11:15pm-12:00am this is usually when i get to social media on normal days. of course my feed is overwhelmed by Ohtani news and x-men 97 news, which is an animated show i am looking froward to watching. i guess my phone must’ve heard me mention it at some point throughout my day. it seems that the majority of people are upset by the new direction of the show but maybe they are blinded by nostalgia or are simply trying to push a narrative that I don’t agree with. The reviews that popped up felt very aggressive and I didn’t bother listening to them because they felt too over the top to be genuine.

Overall, perhaps because it was a busy day, i wasn’t bombarded as much by misleading information. I think i’ve taken steps to avoid such things, but i could also be delusional about how much i am exposed to it. a misinformation stockholm syndrome. I know that i am constantly being exposed to misinformation. perhaps I have subconsciously learned to think before i read or watch something. there is an inherent paranoia about being on the wrong side of something and maybe because of that i’m too cautious with the style and methods of media and information i consume.